Nature is something I enjoy contemplating
Dagmar was born & most of her childhood spent in Czechoslovakia ( now Czech Republic )
Dagmar Maini is a professional woodwork & marquetry artist in Brisbane. The local artist combines her marquetry with woodcarving, engraving and colours.
Marquetry is the art and craft of applying pieces of veneer to a structure to form decorative patterns and designs.
Wood veneers have been used in furniture making for over 200 years and are most often associated with European luxury and privilege.
I love materials and design that are not traditionally associated with mass production and standards of perfection. Each piece is a reminder of the close relationship that exists between us and Mother Earth.
“….There is invisible raw energy locked inside every wooden handmade piece. I let the grain of the wood lead and inspire me. Nature is something I enjoy contemplating in the real.
Dagmar Maini wooden wall art is all hand crafted. All Dagmar Maini sculptural wooden wall hangings are intense. Intense with design, detail, materials and inspiration.